- It is frightening to think how the anonymity of the Internet has opened our students to the dangers of all types of online predators.
- It is amazing to think that many students think that just because they can download something from the net that it is OK for them to do so.
- I have certainly had my share of frustrations when I am unable to access a certain site available while I planned at home only to find it blocked when I tried to access it at school.
Since reading Chapter 7, online safety and security, I now have a clearer understanding of the items listed above. Internet sites are not blocked just to frustrate teachers who have planned fabulous technology integrated lessons. Our students are being protected form online predators. Kids are being taught about fair use, acceptable use, and the ethics involved in using downloadable files by teachers who may not fully understand copyright laws. There are solutions to those great tools that are blocked. There are great sites designed for teachers with the classroom in mind: David Warlick's Class Blogmeister and Elgg a blog, e-portfolio, and learning space site. But we all need more training to be effective users and teachers of web tools. I believe that most teachers can and will be able to teach online safety and security if they are themselves taught safety and security in the context of the Web 2.0 tools that they will be using with their classes.
I think it keeps coming back to training and also to districts creating rational and pedagogically sound policies to deal with sites that are blocked (or not blocked that should be) this is something where the educational monolith is having trouble keeping up with.