Voicethread has become my newest web based account. I reviewed the
youtube tutorials and explored the newest additions to voice threads. It was hard for me to pull myself away from exploring the threads. I watched numerous voicethreads and was particularly interested in items created by or commented on by teachers. Because I am always looking for ways to highlight and display student visual art, I spent a great deal of time looking at Voicethread student art exhibits with students talking about their work. I was thrilled to see student work with student voice added. Students were also able to directly annotate (doodle) their work. This lead me to Voicethreads for education,
ed.voicethread. I wanted to know how they did it! I was thrilled to see the educational side of voicethreads. There are so many ways to use voicethreads in the classroom: interactice discussion, annotated images, tutorials, digital storytelling, and other creative student work. I then looked into ed.voicethread pricing because I was curious if managing a classroom (or several classes) of student work was realistic AND affordable. I think this is something I'd like to explore further before I ask for permission to use voicethreads at school since this is another site blocked by my district.
I love VT....I just used it for a project I am doing for a college class. It has so many educational possibilities.