Saturday, April 4, 2009

Week 6, Thing #14

Technorati I watched the videocast Technorati tour, explored the top blogs, and searched the most popular technorati blogs in several categories. I've added a photo of the most popular book of the last 48 hours. I also searched the most popular results by Technorati members for School Library Learning 2.0. I found 270 blog posts, 35 blogs and 27 results tagged School Library Learning 2.o. 
I found Technorati to be confusing and difficult to navigate. Perhaps I am more comfortable with other sites and need only to spend a bit more time with this one, but I found that it didn't lead me to explore further. Other "Things" I have completed for this Web 2.0 class have taken me further. This one I just wanted to get done. I wonder if I am missing something or using Technorati incorrectly. 


  1. Yeah, Susan! You did it! Looks like you not only learned how to embed a "third party functionality" into your posts, but also your photo profile looks great! Congratulations!


  2. I don't think you are missing anything...I use google blog search and get better results. I have Technorati on here because it is the main one but I may need to change it.


  3. I must be ADD but I find technorati rather frustrating either because the
    search tool isn't that great or the competing advertisements on the banner and sidelines make me irritable ;-) I use google.
