Saturday, April 11, 2009

Week 9, Thing #23

Fair Use and Copyright is something that I talk about and people around me laugh off. Young students seem to understand fair use better than most adults. I enjoyed the Fair(y) Use Tale and will share it with anyone I can get to watch.

Creative Commons is something that I had never heard of. I liked the idea of Creative Commons being "created to save the world from failed sharing." This is a site to go to that easily allows others to use your work with the limitations you place on it.

Closing thoughts,
What a class. I have learned more about what's on the web since I signed up for this class than I ever thought imaginable. My head is swimming with ideas. Through the connection to other's ideas in the Raven About Web 2.0 Blog I have more to do than I can ever hope to accomplish. I have found out that there are Web 2.0 tools that I am comfortable with and other tools that I others that I want to explore further. 

I never would have completed the 23 things without the looming deadline for credit. Thank you, Ann, for making sure we were able to get continuing ed credit for this class. 

1 comment:

  1. Deadlines always help me in online classes. i miss the interaction face 2 face....

    I am glad that this class has helped you explore in an area that was useful to you and I appreciate all your work on the class.

